Clinical case – Vesicular Polyposis
Age: 53 years old
Reason why consults:
Blood in urine, since June,2004.
Personal history:
Smokes 1 box of cigarettes a day, hip prosthesis,
right renal and vesical lithiasis a year ago; hyper-uricemia and
high cholesterol.
Family history:
Nothing relevant.
Present illness’ history:
Starts in 2003 with nephritic colics, later in 2004
with blood in urine and urination pain.
Starts to be studied and a metaplasic and hiperplasic
ephitelium is discovered. Urine exam with positive haemoglobin.
Illness’ evolution
Begins with Basqüadé in June,2004. Begins
not to feel pain when urinates and urine tests are normal. Because
of economic reasons quits using Basqüadé, a new urine
test is done showing again blood in urine. Starts again with Basqüadé.
One month later the urine tests are negative, being normal again
. Continues until nowadays with maintainance dose.
53 years old, man, caucasic, no family history relevant
, being this man a smoker with high uricemia and colesterol, with
hip prótesis, nephritic colics, vesical polyps, with later
test that reveal blood in urine.
Begins with Basqüadé and improves his quality of life,
feels pelvic decongestion , urinates without problems. Quits Basqüadé
for economic rehaznos and goes back to his symptoms what makes him
take again Basquade.
Until nowadays urine tests are normal ( January 2006).