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Contact us:

Farmeco Lted.
Constituyente 1735
Phone (+598) 2403.2341
(+598) 2402.3735



Frequent questions.

Which inconvenients could have to take Basquade’s drops together with a chimiotherapy treatment?

There’s any inconvenient, it even helps to support chimiotherapy’s side effects.

How long will it take to notice that the treatment is giving results?

It depends but in the first days, the pesron already feels more relieved abd in a few days will notice that is getting better.

What shall I do alter I am healed? Should I continue taking the drops?

Yes, it is recommended to contact our medical center for the mantainance studies.

Can the drops cause headache?

No, the drops don’t cause headache.

Can the treatment be combined with B Vitamin?

No,the only that can be administered together with is the B17 vitamin, but according to the low concentrations of B vitamin of the vitamin complex there wouldn’t be problems with Basquade.

Which are the side effects and has it got medicine interactions?

There hasn’t been found side effects and there are not notified any interaction with other medicines.

What kind of diet must be taken with the Basquade treatment?

It will depend on the patient’s disease.Generally, diets rich in antioxidants, poor in fat and red meat, with abundant fibres (except in those cases where these can’t be received)are the recommended.It is not recommended the ingest of alcoholic drinks and the concomitant administration of vitamin B because of its properties favouring tumoral proliferation.

Can Basqüadé be administered to patients with AIDS?

Yes, because of its inmunomodulating and antioxidant properties. However, we haven’t researched on this field.


Can it be used in patients with other pathologies, either diabetes or people with high blood pressure?

These patients can receive the medicine because Basquade is exempt of medicine interactions, non toxic and without side effects.

On what kina of tumors Basquade works?

Basqüadé has effect on all kinas of anomalous cell proliferation Esther malignant or benign, specially on prostate tumors, central nervous system and luna, being those the ones we have more experience with.

Is there any obstacle in using Basqüadé according to the patien’s age?

Not at all, except in relative and already mentioned cases in which it may be avoided.

Can it cause an allergic reaction?

We don’t have any register of that in our wide casuistic of anaphilactic shock or simple allergic reactions.

Can it be administered in patients with nasogastric probe?

We have good experience in this kind of administration, diluting the indicated dose in half a glass of water or physiological serum injected through the same probe.

Which are the advantages of this product in what respects to improving the oncologic patient’s quality of life?

They are great. It is to highlight the increase in weight because of the improvement in the appetite, so like the diminishing in the patient’s pains and specially at the psychological level it is achieved a recovery of the good mood, something that is essential in the neoplasia’s treatment.

In case of interrupting the treatment because of lack of the product, is it necessary to re-start the treatment again?

Our advise is to maintain the given indications, that is why it is advisesd not to interrupt the treatment suddenly, because the interruption will make re-start everything and go back to the same initial dose.

Which is the percentage of patients that have obtained very good results with Basqüadé?

It is estimated that about an 80% according to the reports we have in our casuistic, being the responses usually very good or excellent.

Once the treatment has started, how long can it take a patient to notice is getting better?

Undoubtedly, there is a great variability but a general approximate time would be three weeks after the treatment has started.



Last actualization: 25-03-2008
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