Baquade’s way of working
Basqüadé acts this
a) Inhibition of tumoral cells growth.
b) Causing a programmed cell death.
c) Acting as inmunomodulator.
Studies with Basquade’s components in Southamerican
and European countries in citotoxicity tests determined interactions
of these with the DNA of the tumoral cells (pro-oxidation) and some
good results in leuchemia (Arizona, M. et al., 1985; Jorbis B. et
al., 1988, Mangelli E. et al., 1996).
Among the biological activities shown by the components
of Basquade it can be mentioned at the digestive level the anti-ulcer
activity based on a smaller movilization of calcium at the inter.-cell
level (Gamberini and Lapa A.1992) and the liver-protective and colagoge
action shown by its flavonoids. They showed to increment between
a 25% and a 100% the percentage of outlivng in intoxicated rats
with phalloidine in a 20 mg/kg intravenous dose.
In tests done with rodents the substance that showed
to be more effective was the hispiduline (flavonoid), active principle
in Basquade, according to studies done by Soickee H. And Leng Peschlow
E. In 1987.
Action in malignant
prostate neoplasias
According to the experience gathered there is a
benefitial effect of Basquade over the prostatic neoplasias, that
is shown:
1) Normalizing or diminishing the PSA
2) Causing a loss in the tumors’ size
3) Causing changes over the consistency that changes
from stony to woody and from woody to normal prostate consistency.
This particular reversion in the histology of the prostate is given
by the synergism resultant of the interaction between the active
principles of Basquade’s components, that result harmful for
the tumor.
Because of the apoptosis caused by Basquade’s
action, we found pieces of prostatectomies with important intratumorals
necrosis and haemorrhage about to be resolved or organizing. This
wouldn’t correspond to the observation as much as with the
convencional hormonal treatment generally used.
It has been see also that Basquade prevents the
creation of new tumoral clones that escape to the control of the
organism and that could cause an early metastatization mainly on
the bone substance because prostatic metastasi are eager for the
Thus, Basquade exerts a protective action at the
bone level preventing toe colonization of this sector. Boneblastic
injuries treated with Basquade back down and are excreted by the
organic purge systems, causing a dismiss and movilzation of the
accumulated substance in the skeleton or particular areas of this.
Exploring with bone tests allows to appreciate the
differences between treatments befote and alter Basquade. Traditional
hormonal therapy has the risk of causing thrombotic pathology.This
is another effect that we don’t notice with Basquade, when
it is faced a conventional treatment with Basquade it is benefitial
because it frees the patients of thrombus in the lower members and
other areas.
Action in renal neoplasias
Basquade’s action on kidney’s neoplasias
is highly specific, actino in a selective way over the tumoral cell,
having no side effects on the benign cells. Basically it has a pattern
of action similar to the one seen in the prostate.There would be
an inhibition of the tumoral neoangiogenesis, leaving the tumor
withouth nutrients, inhibition of metastatic production by blocking
receptors in different areas of the economy and by litic direct
action over the metastatic cell.
Acting on the membrane potentials achieving a wide
cell permeability, thus the apoptosis is produced. Many times it
is possible to take the tumoral cells to cinetics zero, to a state
of no reproduction, no proliferation, staying thus the tumor/s stable
for years, without growing in all that time, without dissapearing
either but keeping the patient without any symptoms and with excelent
quality of life.
Action in malignant neoplasias of colon and rectum
Basquade’s action on the colon-rectum neoplasias
is basically mediated by the mechanisms already exponed in other
The malignant pathology is developed by many exogen carcinogens
(bacause of the diet) and endogens (gradual trnsformationof benign
polyps in malignant neoplasias).
Basquade could take malignant cells to a reproductive
phase zero preventing the carcinogenesis, keeping the tumor/s in
a non proliferative phase and preventing thus the cancerization
in these areas. It causes also a purge of the toxins at the colo-rectal
level taking a toxins “clearing” that harm and help
the carinogenesis.
Its inmunomodulating action prevents from infections and viral colonizations
that could lead to the development of a neoplasia.
Basquade can acto together with chimiotherapy also in this pathology
because its action is innocuous, without medicine interactions and
without side effects.
Action in broncho- pulmonary carcinome with metastasis
Basquade acts according to the mechanisms already
Basqüadé acts stimulating the ciliar clearing and thus
helping the purge of toxic substances that can locate in the bronchial-alveolous
tree. It has a smoke cleaning action either tobacco or other type,
diminishing tar and nicotine absorbed at the bronchial-lung level.
Because of it anti-infectious activity, it protects
the lungs of repeated infections that can cause a fertile terrain
for CBP. Besides, its inmuno-estimulant action acts synergically
in this way. When because of pleural colonization there is pleural
shedding, Basquade acts at that level causing reabsortion of the
liquid, changing its viscosity, making it easier to extract by evacuating
This liquid can have malignant cells or not, but
is is a complication that bothers the patient because it may cause
respiratory insufficiency.
As it acts on the hematosis, it achieves that the
hemoglobine transports more oxygen to the tissues and this is of
vital importance in patients with a compromising ventilation. About
encephalic metastasi its action is according to what we exposed
for the central nervous system taking into account that the most
common tumors in this system are metastasic and one of the metastizers
in this system is the CBP. It also acts over the suprarenal metastasis
by a cytotoxic mechanism that we think is direct at the cell level.
Action in pancreas neoplasias
Pancreatic tumors can be of the exogen or endogen
pancreas, with this we refer to the cells that can be affected by
a neoplasia. The ones of exogen secretion for instance: head pancreas
tumor or the ones of endogen secretion (insulinoma). It is very
important the analgesic effect tha Basquade possess and that is
shown in this type of neoplasias in a very clear way. Generally,
pancreatic tumors (specially the exogen pancreas’) compromise
because of its location the solar plex, causing pain that could
be really impossible to treat even with a full morphine dose.
Basquade inhibits the secretion of inflammation
mediating substances and prostaglandinas so it relieves the important
pain that these pathologies cause.
Because it has a inmunoestimulant effect, it delays the neoplasic
caquexia, so characterisitc in these tumors. Generally, it delays
the appearance of hepatic metastasi and the sticking of the tumor
to big neigbour vessels.
In endogen tumors it acts by the already known mechanisms
and prevents susbtances like the insulina (insulinota) to be released
or like in the gastrinome that produces a perverse release of gastrine.
Action in thyroid neoplasias
Thyroid tumors, either papilars, folicualrs, medular
sor anaplasic motivate usually the generous resction, according
to the tumor, thyroidectomy sub-complete or complete.Generally,
folicular tumors and papilars are of show evolution, while the anaplasic
is a very malignant tumor that causes oncologic urgencias because
of trachea compresión, what cause inmediate surgery.
Most of the times, it is used radiotherapy with
iodine, radioactive which is very effective if there are gland remains
yet. Basquade acts as a moderator of the remaining thyroid secretion
if there was, preventing from distance appearance of metastasi or
intra-thyroid, this is done by an endocrine action which makes us
think in an action mediated by hormones, in which Basquade acts
as hormon-like allowing to maintain acceptable levels of thyroid
and parathyroid hormones, knowing that many times in surgeries,
parathyroids are removed by accident and the patient has to receive
the hormones in an exogen way.
Basquade’s way of action over the tumor, if
this is present, is a mixed action , antiangiogenic and direct cytotoxic
altering the tumoral DNA bases as it also does in other types of
Action in vulva-vaginal neoplasias
Basqüadé acts in these neoplasias by
a direct effect, as it has been already mentioned and resides it
has an important role from an immune point of view preventing pre-cancerous
injuries in this sector of the economy. Generally, surgery is done
of tumoral exeresi and after telecobalt-therapy or brachitherapy.
Many times the patients visit after the conventional therapeutic
is done and the vascularization is no good.
Thsu, Basquade contributes to improve the general
condition, improves appetite and physical activity, what allows
a better quality of life and a longer life. There are examples of
patients treated only with Basqüadé that get a clear
improvement, however if it is used after convencional therapy its
action doesn’t contribute with the one of other treatments.
To sum up, Basqüadé acts in theses neoplasias
by the already explained mechanisms, cytotoxic direct action , inhibition
of the neo-vascularization, increase in immunity, anti-infectious
activity and an anabolizing action that takes to an improvement
in the terrain and thus to the general condition.
Action in breast neoplasias
Basqüadé®’s action has been
thoroughly studied in breast cancer.
Basqüadé® acts directly on the tumoral cell, causing
a hormonal blocking and taking the neoplasic cells to death. Besides
of its antiangiogenic effect it is added a hormonal effect, because
this cancer is very linked to women’s hormonal oscilations
and in a hundredth part of men.
Basqüadé® diverts the methabolism
of the cancerous cells causin a cell “suicide” that
diminishes in anotorious way the tumor’s size and besides
the amount of active cells, and this way allows to take convencional
treatments over a smaller substratum and this way it multiplies
its efficiency.
Big tumors have considerably diminished by Basquade’s
action and could be removed by surgery and after treated with radium
and chimiotherapy, what has allowed the complete healing of the
patient and a standard life expectation. Basqüadé®,
as it is also an inmunomodulator, modulates the blood elements trying
to prevent that if there is a conventional treatment, leucopenias
or anaemia acould appear, what not always is posible but in a high
percentage it is. It improves the patient’s mood, what allows
daily activities.
Action in skin neoplasias
Basqüadé acts in the skin neoplasias
by a repairing mechanism of the injury or the place where it was
if this was already removed. It is used orally so it can act in
the systemic way getting to the injury and acting over it causing
cytolisis., increasing immunity and causing an anti-neoplasic action
by immunomodulator effect. It is also used the Basqüadé
Gel concomitantly that penetrates through the skin layers in order
to act directly on the tumoral focal point and allow a lasting healing
of the skin.
The Gel penetrates easily the different layers and
easily goes to the cancerous focal point, eliminating it by the
same effects that by systemic way. It acts on the tumor causing
the desaferentization of the neo-vascular jumbling up the nuclear
DNA , actino on its bases and by cytotoxic direct action penetrating
the tumoral cell membrana, altering the membrane potentials.
Action in hepatic secondarism
The hepatic parenquime is very wide and is one of
the places where the economy gets most metastized, being a filter
for the metastasi in different places of the body where the neoplasias
occur. Basqüadé®’s action takes place directly
on the neo-vascularization that occurs in every metastasi, depriving
it of oxygen transported by the neo-vessels.
This causes an important reduce of the metastasi
and the same time changes that contribute to the death of the cells
that lie there.
We have to take into account that the most resistant clones are
the ones that get metastasized, so many times it is controlled the
prmary, not getting a good control of the metastasi at the hepatic
level. However, because the liver parenchime is so big, the polimetatization
at that level would be the cause in the failure of its main functions
as a toxins purifier and as an exocrin gland.
Basqüadé® penetrates in the cells
causing distortion in the nucleus and the cytoplasm and altering
the metastasic DNA, achieving a unique effect without attacking
the rest of the healthy parenchime. That’s why it is so highly
efficient in the hepatic metastasi.
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