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Clinical cases of gynaecological cancer

Patologhy: Vulva-vaginal carcinoma plus solid base-cellular carcinoma

Age: 59 years old

Reason why consults:

Ulcerous injuries of skin, in nose, cóccix, right hand and right maxillary.

Personal history:

Nothing relevant.

Family history:

Nothing relevant.

Present illness’ history:

Starts radiotherapy on March 3rd, 2001, after a rescue surgery

02/04/2001: No signals of illness, only slight consequences
Illness’ Evolution:

20/06/2001: asks because of ulceous injuries in skin, nose, coccix, right hand and right maxillary.

Report of hand fragment material: base-cellular carcinoma, deep and compromising.
With regards to the radiant treatment practicad because her vulva-vaginal carcinoma it was first done with rescue surgery and then radiant treatment.

26/06/2001: Starts treatment with Basqüadé® drops and gel. Dosage: 30 drops 4 times a day. Gel in the affected areas twice a day.

25/11/2001: Dermis’ injuries already mentioned . Nowadays in clinic cure with high maintainance dose of the medicine.

A 59 years old patient comino from Brazil, who has a vulva-vaginal carcinoma treated with chimiotherapy until November 23rd, 200. After that, a rescue surgery takes place.

2/04/2001- there are no signals of the illness

20/06/2001 consults because of ulcerous injuries in the skin, nose, coccix, right hand and right maxillary that correspond to a base-cellular carcinoma deep and compromising.

Starts treatment in June, 2001 with Basqüadé® drops and Gel dissapearing the injuries on November 25th,2001.

This shows that highly benefitial action of Basquade in the skin carcinomas either very malignant or not. If well she didn’t treat her vulva-vaginal carcinoma with Basqüadé® , also the medicine performs a very important role in the healing of these neoplasias.

This medicine is highly useful in skin cancer, even in those so severe that could cause death. But Basqüadé® once again acted by multiple mechanisms, achieving a complete healing of the skin disease.



Last actualization: 25-03-2008
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