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Clinical cases: Prostate cancer

Case 1: Malignant prostate pathology

Age: 67 years old

Reason why consults:

5/10/2001 Consults because of polachiuria and disuria. He does RAO that has to be probed. He is treated with pelvic anti-inflammatories not getting any better.

Personal history:

Nothing relevant.

Family history:

Mother deceased because of rectum cancer.

Present illness’ history:

Biopsy shows prostate adenocarcinoma well differentiated. Begins with Basqüadé® on November 3rd, 2001.
40 drops 3 times a day.
PSA 30 days after.

23/11/2001: Tomography. Prostate increased in size and heterogeneous density with a small hipodense formation that can correspond to necrosis in the inside.
We decide to increase the dose to 40 drops 4 times a day. Improves the urination problems (burning when urinated) and testicle pain.

Illness’ evolution:

The patient also received (as we advised) convencional therapy, hormonal and radiant, being at these moments with clinical healing, he continues with our medicine.

He uses our medicine during one month a year with 30 drops a day.


67 años, no personal history, he does acute retention of urine. The biopsy by ultrasound scanning shows a prostate adenocarcinoma well differentiated. He begins with Basqüadé®on November 3rd, 2001, 40 drops 3 times a day.

Very quickly improves his problems when has to urinate and the testicle pain he suffered. Basqüadé® is a medicine of high efficiency in this pathology, shown with the years and the empirical experience. It is evident that Basqüadé® avoided more important harm to the patient.

Case 2: Malignant prostate pathology

Age: 66 years old

Reason why consults:

26/12/2000 Consults because of Polachiuria, without other symptoms.Normal urine.

Personal history:

High blood pressure, treated with regime poor in sodium. However he doesn’t follow the regime regularly.
Smoker until 30 years ago. No alcohol

Family history:

Nothing relevant.

Present illness’ history:

Begins with poliachiuria.

Prostate biopsy showed a prostate adenocarcinoma differentiated.
Illness’ evolution:
50 drops a day are indicated, un der the tongue, every 6 hours.

03/04/2002 No symptoms. The dose is increased to 60 drops every 6 hours. The patient used our medicine for one year. Nowadays is with clinical healing, takes 30 drops a day during 1 month a year.

66 years, high blood pressure, with regime poor in sodium, had a differentiated prostate carcinoma.
Recieives the medicine 50 drops under the tongue every 6 hours, can heal thanks to Basqüadé® that was the medicine that the patient more received. The patient has a normal life with excellent quality of life thanks to the medicine. Basqüadé® has an excellent action on the prostate cancer and has achieved that this patient could get rid of his neoplasia

Case 3: Malignant prostate pathology

Age: 77 years old

Reason why consults:

Nicturia and weak urine jet..

Personal history:

Mesenteric thrombosis in January, 1995. There was an intervention and he is evolving without problems.

Family history:

Nothing relevantr.

Present illness’ history:

Because of the nicturia and the weak urine jet he was seen by an urologist who made a digital rectum exam and saw a prostate bigger in size and hardened.
Prostate biopsy 11/01/2002: Prostate adenocarcinoma moderately differentiated not metastasic.


77 year old patient comino from Cuba, with personal history of mesenteric trombosis in January, 1995. The biopsy done on the 11th of January,2002 revealed adenocarcinoma in the prostate moderately differentiated..

Itwas indicated Androcur, 2 daily tablets.

9/12/2002: clear improvement of the pain in the hip, receiving a dose of 40 drops 3 times a day. We don’t have doubt of the benefitial effect of Basqüadé® on the prostate cancer.

Caso 4: Gland Hiperplasia with atypical focal points with PIN III

Age: 72 years old

Reason why consults:

02/05/2002 Consults the patient’s wife, presents prostate tumoration.

Personal history:

Nothing relevant.

Family history:

Nothing relevant.

Present illness’ history:

Treated for vesical polyps. It is discovered a prostate increased in size with multiple areas of hiperplasia. It is indicated oncologic treatment in the Oncologic Institute in Buenos Aires and to Stara with our medicine with 30 drops 4 times a day under the tongue.

Illness’ evolution:

05/06/2002 – His wife comes again to consult. She syas that the patient has no symptoms. Later we know that his general condition is good and continues without symptoms.Continues with 30 drops 4 times a day under the tongue. We increase the dose to 45 drops 4 times a day.

07/08/2002 – Good mood, no symptoms and normal activity is taking place. The patient considers that using the drops is doing good on him, what we share. Continues with 45 drops 4 times a day.

25/03/2003 Excellent health condition, doing all his regular activities without any discomfort. Clinical healing. Nowadays, 30 daily drops one month once a year.


Patient with prostate pathology, 72 years old comino from Argentina. Begins treatment with our medicine with 30 drops 4 times a day on May, 3rd, 2002.
Nowadays, clinically healed (not with a 5 year criteria, internacional criteria).

Case 5: Malignant prostate pathology

Age: 88 years old

Reason why consults:

25/05/2002 Acute urine retention

Personal history:

Gonarthritis; hipoacusia.

Family history:

Nothing relevant.

Present illness’ history:

In January,2002, because of acute urine retention has to do some tests and a prostate cancer is discovered. Loses weight. Anaemic, without pelvis pain with vesical probe. Biopsy reveals a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.
Illness’ evolution:

They decide to use our medicine. The patient feels well and the probe is removed. In the fourth month of treatment the patient urinates normally.

Clear improvement with our medicine. Even the doctor showed great surprise to know that Basquade was the only medicine that the patient was taking.

Caso Clínico - Cáncer de Próstata

Malignant prostate pathology

Age: 69 years old

Personal history:

Hgh blood pressure, diabetic.

Family history:

Father deceased of oeasophagic carcinoma.

Present illness’ history

Surgery in March,1994 of prostate carcinoma.

25/0504 – consults us because of bone pain and weakness. Begins our treatment with 60 drops 4 times a day with good results. Improves general conditionand 4 months later the dose is decreased to 40 drops every 6 hours.


69 years, diabetic and with high blood pressure. He had a surgery some years ago because of a prostate carcinoma with bone metastasi. He starts our treatment in May, 2004 improving bone pain and general health condition showing the efficiency of Basqüadé even in the advanced stages of the illness because it has improved the patient’s quality of life and has controlled the illness. The patient is very thankful and continues with maintainance dose.

Case7 – Prostate cancer

Age: 62 years old

Personal history:

Repeated nephritic colics.

Family history

Nothing relevant.

Present illness’ history:

Began some months ago with disuria, hematuria, polachuria and bone pain. Increase in prostate size.Biospy shows prostate carcinoma. It is decided to take the patient to surgery.

He begins to take Basqüadé and consults one month later noticing improvements. He says that he can sleep without problems and increases weight
Illness’ evolution

Continues taking Basqüadé: 60 drops 4 times a day and flutamide, doing his daily activities normally.
June 2005 – It is decreased the dose of Basqüadé, the patient makes normal life, doing all his usual activities and is very happy with our treatment.


62 years, no family history and with repeated nephritic colics. He begins with disuria, hematuria and polachiiuria; biopsy shows prostate adenocarcinoma.

He begins with our treatment and conventional therapy. Improves all his symptoms. Achieves clinical healing thanks in good part to Basquade.



Last actualization: 25-03-2008
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